19th IDS Congress
Paris 2023

The Immunology of Diabetes Society (IDS) is a scientific society dedicated to improving understanding and treatment of type 1 diabetes. IDS organizes a Congress every 18 months in major centres in Europe, North America and Asia/Oceania at which there are scientific presentations to further this goal.
23-27 May
Centre international de Conférences Sorbonne Université
4 place Jussieu, Patio 44-55
75005 - Paris, France

Institut du Diabète

Confirmed Speakers
(by alphabetical order)
Peter Achenbach, Coralie Alabert, Mark Atkinson, Jean-François Bach, Burkhard Becher, Polly Bingley, Ezio Bonifacio, Marcela Brissova, Todd Brusko, Yi-Chun Chen, Jenny Couper, Mark M. Davis, Colin Dayan, Gerard Eberl, Decio L. Eizirik, Donna Farber, Carla Greenbaum, John Harris, Len Harrison, Matthias Hebrok, Kevan Herold, Heikki Hyoty, Eddie James, Matthew Johnson, Sally Kent, David Klatzmann, Jeffrey Krischer, Vito Lampasona, Peter E. Lipsky, Chantal Mathieu, Eoin McKinney, Cristina Nostro, Timo Otonkoski, Alberto Pugliese, Frédéric Rieux-Laucat, Bart Roep, Miguel Sanjuan, Pere Santamaria, Andrea Schietinger, Anath Shalev, Jeannette Soderberg, Tommi Suvitaival, Qizhi Tang, Timothy Tree, Taylor Triolo, Tommi Vatanen, Joshua Vieth, Carola Vinuesa, John Wentworth, Benjamin Youngblood, Tong Yue, Anette Ziegler
Click here to download the complete program, updated on May 14th 2023
Press and Media Coverage
For person living with T1D

For scientists and clinicians:

Welcome reception
Klatzmann (Chair)

Mallone (Chair)
Local Organizing Committee

Sylvaine You

Etienne Larger

Agnès Hartmann

Chantal Mathieu
Agnès Lehuen

Lut Overbergh

Lucienne Chatenoud

Michelle Rosenzwajg
International Organizing Committee
Todd Brusko, Thomas Delong, Yuval Dor, Decio Eizirik, James Johnson, Lorenzo Piemonti, Alberto Pugliese, Teresa Rodriguez-Calvo, Jay Skyler, Ben Youngblood.
IDS Council
Carmella Evans-Molina (President), Anette Ziegler (Past President), Peter Achenbach, Mark Atkinson, Dirk Homann, Eddie James, Alice Long, Al Powers
Platinium sponsors

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